Basic Flash Menu
Easy to use flash menu generator with all the essential features. Around 60 animated buttons to choose from. Creates vertical and horizontal menus.
Drop Down Flash Menu
Advanced Flash menu generator with sub menus. Around 60 animated buttons to choose from. Creates vertical and horizontal menus.
Expandable Flash Menu
A dynamic menu that opens an expandable sub menu when a button is clicked. Around 60 animated buttons to choose from.
Icon Wave Menu
A macOS like menu made of icon buttons. Up to 10 buttons, each button can be customized.
Particle Menu
Create menus with fun particle effect buttons.
Rainbow Menu
A horizontal grey menu generator with animated button descriptions. Number of buttons is fixed to 7.
Scale Menu
A menu generator with buttons that will resize dynamically with mouse movement. Vertical menu only. Around 60 animated buttons to choose from.
Skinnable Accordion Menu
A vertical accordion style menu with expandable sub menus. Many skins to choose from.
3D Rotating Text
3D spinning text, you can link it to a webpage and adjust font, colors, size, speed, etc.
Animated Text
This generator will create an animated text header for your website.
Bouncing Words
Nice and simple animated bouncing text.
Flame Text
A very realistic flame text effect.
Glowing Words
Nice and slick animated text effect with glowing letters.
Grassy Words
Simulated grass effect text generator.
Neon Text
Animated blinking neon text effect with icon.
Sandy Words
Text effect made with animated particles.
Scrolling LEDs
A scrolling LED panel generator with many options like color, speed, font and size.
Scrolling Text Marquee
A horizontal scrolling text effect that you can use for your website news, or important announcements.
Static Text
A simple static text generator to create website headings. You can make your text clickable.
Text and Particles
Awesome, funky. A must see.
Text and Particles 2
Many particle effects to choose from.
Vertical Text Scroller
A smooth and classy text scroller.
Alert Leaderboard
Energizing and dynamic animated Flash banner for your website. Size: 728x90.
Alert Rectangle
Energizing and dynamic animated Flash banner for your website. Size: 300x250.
Alert Skyscraper
Energizing and dynamic animated Flash banner for your website. Size: 160x600.
Basic Image Banner
Animated banner with your image. Size: 468x60.
Basic Image Leaderboard
Animated banner with your image. Size: 728x90.
Basic Image Rectangle
Animated banner with your image. Size: 300x250.
Basic Image Skyscraper
Animated banner with your image. Size: 160x600.
Blocky Trio Banner
Another animated Flash banner for your website. Size: 468x60.
Blocky Trio Leaderboard
Another animated Flash banner for your website. Size: 728x90.
Blocky Trio Rectangle
Another animated Flash banner for your website. Size: 300x250.
Blocky Trio Skyscraper
Another animated Flash banner for your website. Size: 160x600.
Blue Banner
Simple animated promotional blue banner. Size: 468x60.
Blue Leaderboard
Simple animated promotional blue banner. Size: 728x90.
Blue Rectangle
Simple animated promotional blue banner. Size: 300x250.
Blue Skyscraper
Simple animated promotional blue banner. Size: 160x600.
Bubbles Banner
Bubbles theme animated Flash banner. Size: 468x60.
Bubbles Leaderboard
Bubbles theme animated Flash banner. Size: 728x90.
Bubbles Rectangle
Bubbles theme animated Flash banner. Size: 300x250.
Bubbles Skyscraper
Bubbles theme animated Flash banner. Size: 160x600.
Butterfly Banner
Animated Flash banner with butterflies and a floral theme. Size: 468x60
Butterfly Leaderboard
Animated Flash banner with butterflies and a floral theme. Size: 728x90.
Butterfly Rectangle
Animated Flash banner with butterflies and a floral theme. Size: 300x250.
Butterfly Skyscraper
Animated Flash banner with butterflies and a floral theme. Size: 160x600.
Christmas Banner
Christmas & holidays theme animated banner. Size: 468x90.
Christmas Leaderboard
Christmas & holidays theme animated banner. Size: 728x90.
Christmas Rectangle
Christmas & holidays theme animated banner. Size: 300x250.
Christmas Skyscraper
Christmas & holidays theme animated banner. Size: 160x600.
Techno style, simple animated promotional banner.
Disco Leaderboard
Size: 728x90.
Disco Rectangle
Size: 300x250.
Electro Banner
Futuristic style animated banner. Size: 468x60.
Electro Leaderboard
Futuristic style animated banner. Size: 728x90.
Electro Rectangle
Futuristic style animated banner. Size: 300x250.
Electro Skyscraper
Futuristic style animated banner. Size: 160x600.
Eye Catcher Leaderboard
Simple classic banner, with editable texture. Size: 728x90.
Eye Catcher Rectangle
Simple classic banner, with editable texture. Size: 300x250.
Eye Catcher Skyscraper
Simple classic banner, with editable texture. Size: 160x600.
Falling Stripes Banner
Another animated Flash banner for your website. Size: 468x60.
Falling Stripes Leaderboard
Another animated Flash banner for your website. Size: 728x90.
Falling Stripes Rectangle
Another animated Flash banner for your website. Size: 300x250.
Falling Stripes Skyscraper
Another animated Flash banner for your website. Size: 160x600.
Fast 'n' Fresh Banner - New !
Simple, dynamic, colorful Flash banner. Size: 468x60.
Fast 'n' Fresh Leaderboard
Simple, dynamic, colorful Flash banner. Size: 728x90.
Fast 'n' Fresh Rectangle
Simple, dynamic, colorful Flash banner. Size: 300x250.
Fast 'n' Fresh Skyscraper
Simple, dynamic, colorful Flash banner. Size: 160x600.
Glow Banner
Fully re-sizable banner generator, with many customization options.
Graffitication Banner
Graffiti theme animated Flash banner. Size: 468x60.
Graffitication Leaderboard
Graffiti theme animated Flash banner. Size: 728x90.
Graffitication Rectangle
Graffiti theme animated Flash banner. Size: 300x250.
Graffitication Skyscraper
Graffiti theme animated Flash banner. Size: 160x600.
Halloween Banner
Animated and spooky Halloween banner. Size: 468x60.
Halloween Leaderboard
Animated and spooky Halloween banner. Size: 728x90.
Halloween Rectangle
Animated and spooky Halloween banner. Size: 300x250.
Halloween Skyscraper
Animated and spooky Halloween banner. Size: 160x600.
Hazard Banner
Realistic construction style banner.
Hazard Banner 2
Realistic construction style banner.
Icon Banner
Banner with custom animated icon. Size: 468x60.
Icon Banner Leaderboard
Banner with custom animated icon. Size: 728x90.
Icon Banner Rectangle
Banner with custom animated icon. Size: 300x250.
Icon Banner Skyscraper
Banner with custom animated icon. Size: 160x600.
Image Flip Leaderboard
Animated banner with custom flipping image. Size: 728x90.
Image Flip Rectangle - New !
Animated banner with custom flipping image. Size: 300x250.
Mechano Banner
Mechanic style promotional banner. Size: 468x60.
Mechano Leaderboard - New !
Mechanic style promotional banner. Size: 728x90.
Meteor Action Banner
Dynamic and energized animated banner. Size: 468x60.
Meteor Action Leaderboard
Dynamic and energized animated banner. Size: 728x90.
Meteor Action Rectangle
Dynamic and energized animated banner. Size: 300x250.
Meteor Action Skyscraper
Dynamic and energized animated banner. Size: 160x600.
Red Bubbles Banner
Animated Flash banner with red bubbles and a blue background. Size: 468x60.
Red Bubbles Leaderboard
Animated Flash banner with red bubbles and a blue background. Size: 728x90.
Red Bubbles Rectangle
Animated Flash banner with red bubbles and a blue background. Size: 300x250.
Red Bubbles Skyscraper
Animated Flash banner with red bubbles and a blue background. Size: 160x600.
Scrolling Boxes
Another animated Flash banner for your website. Size: 468x60.
Stars Banner
Animated Flash banner with flashing and spinning stars. Size: 468x60
Stars Leaderboard
Animated Flash banner with flashing and spinning stars. Size: 728x90.
Stars Rectangle
Animated Flash banner with flashing and spinning stars. Size: 300x250.
Stars Skyscraper
Animated Flash banner with flashing and spinning stars. Size: 160x600.
Subway Banner
Animated Flash banner with a subway theme. Size: 468x60.
Subway Leaderboard
Animated Flash banner with a subway theme. Size: 728x90.
Subway Rectangle
Animated Flash banner with a subway theme. Size: 300x250.
Subway Skyscraper
Animated Flash banner with a subway theme. Size: 160x600.
Sun Banner
Animated Flash banner with a spinning sun background. Size: 468x60
Sun Leaderboard
Animated Flash banner with a spinning sun background. Size: 728x90.
Sun Rectangle
Animated Flash banner with a spinning sun background. Size: 300x250.
Sun Skyscraper
Animated Flash banner with a spinning sun background. Size: 160x600.
Ticking Color Leaderboard
Simple and colorful banner. Size: 728x90.
Ticking Color Skyscraper
Simple and colorful banner. Size: 160x600.
Valentine Banner
Valentine's Day Banner. Size: 468x60.
Valentine Leaderboard
Valentine's Day Banner. Size: 728x90.
Valentine Rectangle
Valentine's Day Banner. Size: 300x250.
Valentine Skyscraper
Valentine's Day Banner. Size: 160x600.
Size: 468x60.
Wipers Leaderboard - New !
Size: 728x90.
Zaurora Banner
Fully re-sizable banner generator, with many customization options. Use carefully, may use a lot of CPU power.
Zoom Target Banner
Another animated Flash banner for your website.
Zoom Target Leaderboard
Another animated Flash banner for your website. Size: 728x90.
Zoom Target Rectangle
Another animated Flash banner for your website. Size: 300x250.
Zoom Target Skyscraper
Another animated Flash banner for your website. Size: 160x600.
Big Flashing Button
A big flashing button generator, that can be used to prompt your visitors for action or any other purposes you can think of.
Email Button
Button with animated email icon.
Extreme Button
Modify many settings to get the button style and effect you want. Features animated glowing light effects available in many forms!
Icon Button and Text
Assign your text and link to a simple icon button. Many icons to choose from.
3D Flip Clock
A simple numeric clock with flipping numbers effect and am-pm or 24 hours mode.
Analog Clock
An elaborate analog clock generator with many customization features.
Numeric Clock
A simple numeric clock with text effects and am-pm or 24 hours mode.
Animated Flag
Animated Flag with text. Flag effect is from Andre Michelle Flash coder.
Logo Blur Animation
Image blur animation. Upload your image and add text to it.
Skinnable Google Search Box
Want your own search engine ? Bring the power of Google search to your site. Create a customized search box that easily adds site search to your site. Many skins to choose from.
Spinning Globe
Add your text to a customizable 3D spinning globe.

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